If You Care About Making a Difference...
You will find social justice opportunities at Rincon. By feeding the hungry, participating in community events, contributing to disaster relief or standing up for equal rights of all people, regardless of age, education, financial status, gender or sexual orientation there is a place at Rincon for you to make a difference. For information about our Justice and Witness programs, contact Chris Lynn or Rev. Karen MacDonald, Co-Chairs of the Justice and Witness Ministry Team.
Casa Maria Sandwich Preparation:
Every 4 weeks, we [email protected] gather in the Fellowship Hall on Saturday morning to make approximately 1,500 sandwiches for the Casa Maria free soup kitchen. The sandwiches are delivered to the soup kitchen and the following Sunday, volunteers make and serve soup at the kitchen. This ministry has been supported by Rincon volunteers for many years and requires a number of volunteers for shopping, bread pick-up, Fellowship Hall set-up and clean-up, delivery to Casa Maria and soup making. New volunteers are always welcome. Contact the coordinator, Judy Hubbard to find out how you can help. |
Primavera Meal Prep: On the fourth Tuesday of each month Rincon volunteers prepare a meal in the Rincon kitchen for the Catalina House transition housing unit run by Primavera. The meal is delivered to Five Points by a volunteer in time for dinner.
Interfaith Community Services Mobile Food Bank
The Mobile Food Bank truck is stationed at Rincon on the 1st Wednesday of each month from 8:30am - 9:30am |
TIHAN Poz Cafe: Once a year Rincon partners with another faith community as volunteers at the Thursday cafe befitting those living with HIV/AIDS.
Five for Five: A commitment to support the justice and mercy missions of the wider United Church of Christ through the special mission offerings -
Our Church's Wider Mission Neighbors In Need Christmas Fund One Great Hour of Sharing Strengthen the Church |
Sharing our campus with ministry partners is also part of our justice work. Learn more about the community groups with which we partner.